A collage of photos of women and men in a boat, dressed in capes and masks like heroes.

Heroes without a cape and mask

SLS UKReading

Exploring real-life heroes is a great way of combining the children’s interest in superheroes to spark their curiosity about ordinary people.

Four alternative fairy tales books on a black background.

Alternative Fairy Tales

SLS UKReading

Alternative versions of fairy tales can help children understand how the stories came to be told, how they are passed down through generations and how they change over time.

The best little books for babies and toddlers and preschoolers.

Are Babies Too Little for Books?

SLS UKReading

It is never too early to give a child a book. They don’t even need to be able to sit up. Prop them on your knee and as soon as their eyes begin to focus, babies will look at a picture with interest. Helen Oxenbury’s board books, All Fall Down and Tickle Tickle, are great starters but there are many other good first books out there that children love.