A group of people in a library utilizing the updated Reading Framework.

The updated Reading Framework – How SLS can help?

SLS UKAdvice

Subject: DfE Reading Framework

Focus: School Libraries, their impact and relevance in school.

Year Group: All

Synopsis: Lisa Little from Durham Learning Resources looks at how SLS can support schools in light of the updated Reading Framework.

Lisa Little
Durham Learning Resources

Librarian’s view:

Any opportunity to prove the worth of a school library is always welcomed and now the updated Reading Framework has opened the door to appreciating the importance of a school library.

Whilst a school library in every school is the ideal it is not always achievable in today’s school climate. However, the recently updated Reading Framework for the DfE places an emphasis on its importance in school, your local SLS can provide help for schools on making the most of your reading provision whether it is an actual library space or a classroom reading area.

We provide support on book selection, how to display, record reading and promote the area to its maximum appeal.

The Reading Framework highlights having a wide variety of book “It is vital that pupils read widely & frequently to increase their confidence and fluency”.   

Your SLS can ensure your school has access to a wide range of books, from picture books, poetry, fiction, short chapters, non-fiction. Having a wide variety ensures all needs are met, having high quality books available for all is the first step to developing a love of reading. 

Full class sets while reading aloud can be a great asset and is another area your SLS can provide resources. “Reading aloud fosters positive attitudes, enhances pupils’ motivation to read, and develops vocabulary and other knowledge, including of books, authors and genres that they might not choose to read for themselves.  It also contributes indirectly to their fluency, as they listen to an accomplished reader bring a text to life.”

A certain emphasis has been placed in the Reading Framework on the introduction of Book Clubs and their benefits to pupils, this could be daunting for teachers to implement however again is something your local SLS can assist with, in some cases running the group but in others providing support, advice and pre-set paperwork for the club with questions and ideas for improving engagement. 

Book clubs can be run in a variety of ways which meet the need of particular groups of readers or as a whole year group/school challenge. Book Clubs are a good way to create a buzz about reading and engage more pupils.

It is great to see the DfE applauding the importance of a school library and the impact a wide range of book stock and activities that can impact pupils learning, just know that your local SLS are here to help with that.